Words for the World:
An Anthology of Arlington Young Poets
is now available!
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Words for the World: An Anthology of Arlington Young Poets assembles writing by 38 exceptional high school poets from Arlington County, Virginia. Edited by Arlington Poet Laureate Holly Karapetkova, Arlington Youth Poet Laureates Amasa Maleski and Kashvi Ramani, and Arlington Youth Poetry Ambassador Liam Mason, the book was created with support from an Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellowship. Responding to a world struck by pandemic tragedy, inequality, and mental health crisis, the authors of Worlds for the World encourage the reader to believe in the future of our community.
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This is stunning, accomplished work by a poet unafraid of naming strange truths.
—Sandra Beasley, author of I Was The Jukebox
Holly Karapetkova’s Towline is adept in many languages, moving at will between crisp evocations of daily life and the suggestive landscape of dreams. But it is in the intersection between these worlds, the thin veil hinging commonly accepted reality with that of the half-remembered, fairytale past of the old country, that Karapetkova’s poetry finds its deepest power.
—Annie Finch
The poems of Holly Karapetkova’s new collection are expansive, ranging in structure from the freest verse to the elegantly formal, in theme from the broadly universal to the most intensely personal… They all return, though, to that same inexorable human conundrum: how to carry grief, to carry on. They give no easy answer, but they help the traveler along the way.
—Dan Albergotti, author of Millennial Teeth
Praise for words we might one day say
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I want to grow old with this book. Words We Might One Day Say is a collection to cherish, and share with others.
—E. Ethelbert Miller
What is there to get in the literary world but a blessing in what you read or what you write. How else can we explain the pleasure in finding a sensibility that suddenly uncovers a new piece of the world, or lights a new edge of the mind. This is how I felt in reading Holly Karapetkova’s Words We Might One Day Say. She reminds me why we bother writing at all. You will want to say “Thank you” for this poetry that says Look what you haven’t seen before. Look what you didn’t know you felt. What could this be but a blessing, a gift: Words that finish your own life.
—Grace Cavalieri, Producer/Host, “The Poet and the Poem from the Library of Congress”